Our school aims to be an inclusive school where all children are happy and engaged, and are able to learn and achieve. We hope to make all our children welcome and to look forward to their school day. Every child is different and we view differences as an opportunity for adults and children alike to learn more about themselves.
If your child has an additional need or a disability he or she will be treated no less favourably than other applicants for admission. We make reasonable adjustments to ensure that pupils with disabilities are not placed at a substantial disadvantage. Our accessibility arrangements are outlined in the School Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND) and Inclusion Policy. This policy outlines how we identify and support children with special educational needs and our aim is for all children to have access to all aspects of school life. We will work with you to discuss your and your child’s aspirations and goals, and endeavour to ensure that the necessary provision is made to achieve them.
The school has a part-time experienced SEND Co-ordinator- Ms Nicola Sikyta, who is always happy to answer any queries about how SEND is managed in the school or about individual pupil needs, including any concerns or queries. She can be contacted via the main school email address office@isleham.cambs.sch.uk Please see the school's SEND Information report below if you have any concerns, queries or complaints you wish to raise.
From September 2014, the Children and Families Act introduces significant changes to the way that disabled children and those with special educational needs get the support they need. Some of the biggest changes will include:
- children and their families being more involved in making decisions about the support they need to reach their goals
- statements of special educational needs being replaced by Education, Health and Care plans
- the local authority publishing information about the services offered in the area (local offer) and consulting children and young people about the services they would like be available to them.
Cambridgeshire’s local offer can be found using the link below.