Isleham CE Primary School is very aware of its role within the local and wider community and regularly supports a variety of activities and groups.
Circle Schools Soham Cluster |
Locality Parenting Classes |
We are very lucky to be able to access resources and training from the Fenland and East Cambridgeshire Opportunity Area. This is a government initiative aimed at improving the lives of children in this area. The blurb below has been taken directly from the associated website which can be found here:
The Fenland and East Cambridgeshire Opportunity Area (OA) was launched by the government in January 2017 as one of 12 OAs across England. The aim is to raise education standards locally, providing every child and young person in the area with the chance to reach their full potential.
In collaboration with local partners across early years, schools, and further and higher education settings throughout Fenland and East Cambridgeshire we have identified four specific priorities for the OA:
Priority 1: Accelerate the progress of disadvantaged children and young people in the acquisition and development of communication, language and reading.
Priority 3: Raise aspiration and increase access for young people to a wide range of career choices and post-16 routes.
Priority 4: Recruit, develop and retain the best leaders and teachers in Fenland and East Cambridgeshire.
These priorities allow us to establish short and long term objectives, building on existing strengths and good practice, with a strong focus on ensuring improvements are sustainable. Together with local stakeholders, we are using these priorities to design initiatives and projects that will make a real difference to the lives of our children and young people.