We usually offer a wealth of clubs and extra-curricular activities each term for the children to choose to attend free of charge from ICT to Chess, Cookery & Music Clubs.
All after-school clubs run until 4pm. Children can be collected from the playground at the end of their club/activity. These are run by members of staff and are free to all pupils:
Mon am – Book Club
Tues am – Cosmic Kids Yoga
Tue lunchtime – Drawing
Tues after school – chess club
Tues after school – STEM club
Tues after school – running club
Wed after school – Tag Rugby
Thurs lunchtime – KS1 French club
Thurs Lunchtime – speed stacking
Thurs after school – Netball
Fri lunchtime – choir
Fri after school Samba drumming
TT Rock stars – chosen children practice their times table recall skills
In addition to all of the above, children are able to sign up for brass, guitar or piano tuition with visiting specialist music teacher Mr Wright.