If you have any concerns about a child, please do not hesitate to report your concern to one of our Designated Safeguarding Leads- Dawn Deacon (head@isleham.cambs.sch.uk), Clare Williamson (cwilliamson@isleham.cambs.sch.uk) or Lisa Dennis (finance@isleham.cambs.sch.uk) or telephoning 01638 780336. If you think you or the child is in immediate danger and need urgent help, please call the police on 999. Alternatively, you can contact the local authority safeguarding team directly- if you are not a professional involved with the child or family, you do not have to give your name and your conversation will be treated confidentially. Telephone: 0345 045 5203 (8-6pm Monday to Friday) 01733 234 724 (out of hours) Email: referralcentre.children@cambridgeshire.gov.uk

Year 1 Spring 2024-25

"All Things Royal"

During this topic, we will be learning about the features of a non-fiction text before researching the life of Queen Elizabeth II and making a fact book.  We will then learn about castles and explore life within the castle walls.



Half term 1:

We will be starting our 'All Things Royal' unit at the start of this term. We will start off by looking at a wide range of non-fiction books.  We will then research facts about the life of Queen Elizabeth II before moving on to fond out about castles. 


Half term 2: 

In our 'Around the World' topic we met Paddington Bear. He had travelled from "Darkest Peru" to meet us. We explored letter writing and planned and wrote a letter to Aunt Lucy from Paddington's point of view. We also learnt that Paddington always keeps a marmalade sandwich under his hat, we wrote instructions and had a go at making our own marmalade sandwiches. 



At Isleham we follow the Power Maths scheme of work and across the Spring term we will be covering several units of work, which include numbers to 20, addition and subtraction within 20, numbers to 50 and length and height. The overview of the units are shown below and we will be sharing learning weekly on Class Dojo as the units progress.



In art during the first half of the Spring term we will be learning about printing. We will learm more about primary colours and use these when completing direct prints with objects, we will also use negative stencils as well as clay slab reliefs for printing. 



Half term 1:

In our first unit of Purple Mash we will learn how to be Maze Explorers. We will be able to understand the functionality of the basic direction keys to complete challenges successfully. We will also understand how to create and debug a set of instructions (algorithm) as well as extend an algorithm and set challenges for one another to complete.


Half term 2: 

In the Spring 2 half term we will be making our own e-books. To begin with we looked at examples of e-books. We then had a go at drawing our main character and adding an animation and text to page 1. In our next lessons we added sound effects and thought about an appropriate middle and end for our books. 



Our first unit of Real PE this half term is working on dynamic balances. We will then move onto static balances. 


In our second half term we will coordination focusing on ball skills and counter balance focusing on teamwork with a partner. 



We will begin with our Community unit. This unit aims to develop the children’s sense of personal identity and self-worth and teaches them to consider and respect the needs and views of others. They will learn about different groups and cultures within their class community and about the importance of identifying and challenging stereotypes. They will explore the makeup of their community, the needs of different people within it and the people who help within their roles in the community. They will develop their understanding of the needs of the environment (including the school environment), plants and animals, and also their ability to make a contribution to improving the environment.



In the second half of this term our topic is Christianity. We will be exploring what prayer and worship is. We will come to understand that prayer is part of worship but worship is far more than just praying. Prayer is communication with God, worship is adoration of God. Prayer and worship are common to people of faiths but understood and practised differently.


1. Christians pray because communicating with God is part of their friendship with him. They believe God listens and wants to answer prayer. An answer may come through an inner feeling or certainty; it may come through the Bible or other people.

2. Christians may pray with icons, rosaries or prayer books; they may use set words or simply chat. Prayer can be silent, sung, spoken out loud or in one’s head. There are prayers of praise, help and thanks, confessions, intercessions (asking prayers on the behalf of others), graces and blessings.



1. Central to Christian worship is ‘Adoration’; worship is about showing how much God is loved or how much God is worth to an individual. Christians believe their whole life ought to be an act of worship: an offering or gift to God, a way of saying ‘thank you’.

2. Christians worship in song, prayer, drama, ritual, liturgy (a set pattern of words) dance, art, poetry and story.

3. For many Christians, the heart of worship is Communion (Eucharist or the Lord’s Supper). This is when Jesus’ death and sacrifice is remembered and his presence is especially felt and draws out deep gratitude and adoration in the worshipper.

Half term 1:
This half term we will be learning how to identify high and low notes and to compose a simple tune, children investigate how tempo changes help tell a story and make music more exciting.
Half term 2:
This half term we will use our bodies and instruments to listen and respond to pieces of music with fast and slow speeds; learn and perform a rhyme and a song focussing on fast and slow.



In Geography this  term we will be learning about what is like to live in Shanghai. We will focus again on maps and human and physical features in the landscape. We will also find out about hot and cold places on the world map and find out why their temperatures vary. We will then look at Shanghai - a  non- European country - and identify similarities and differences between their human and physical features and ours.



In History, we will be using our knowledge about Queen Elizabeth II to compare and contrast her life with that of Queen Elizabeth I and Queen Victoria.



In Science this term we will find out more about the season of Spring!