If you have any concerns about a child, please do not hesitate to report your concern to one of our Designated Safeguarding Leads- Dawn Deacon (head@isleham.cambs.sch.uk), Clare Williamson (cwilliamson@isleham.cambs.sch.uk) or Lisa Dennis (finance@isleham.cambs.sch.uk) or telephoning 01638 780336. If you think you or the child is in immediate danger and need urgent help, please call the police on 999. Alternatively, you can contact the local authority safeguarding team directly- if you are not a professional involved with the child or family, you do not have to give your name and your conversation will be treated confidentially. Telephone: 0345 045 5203 (8-6pm Monday to Friday) 01733 234 724 (out of hours) Email: referralcentre.children@cambridgeshire.gov.uk


At Isleham CE Primary, we believe that any homework should support children’s learning.  

Our expectations and policy changed in September 2019 to reduce the homework expected in each year group, and put a focus back on daily reading to help children develop a love of reading and reading confidence, spelling practice and the learning of times tables and core maths skills.

We provide a home school communication book for each child to help aid communication between home and school or ClassDojo communication messages in 2020-21, to help support parents in understanding their child's current targets and any areas they can support with.

More information about homework can be found in the Homework Policy below.