If you have any concerns about a child, please do not hesitate to report your concern to one of our Designated Safeguarding Leads- Dawn Deacon (head@isleham.cambs.sch.uk), Clare Williamson (cwilliamson@isleham.cambs.sch.uk) or Lisa Dennis (finance@isleham.cambs.sch.uk) or telephoning 01638 780336. If you think you or the child is in immediate danger and need urgent help, please call the police on 999. Alternatively, you can contact the local authority safeguarding team directly- if you are not a professional involved with the child or family, you do not have to give your name and your conversation will be treated confidentially. Telephone: 0345 045 5203 (8-6pm Monday to Friday) 01733 234 724 (out of hours) Email: referralcentre.children@cambridgeshire.gov.uk

Year 3 Summer 2023-24

2023 - 24 Year 3 Summer

I hope everyone enjoyed the Easter break and is looking forward to the start of the Summer term in Year 3.  We want to make sure that you are fully informed so please come and ask if you have any questions or queries or jot something down in the Reading Record or send me a message on Class Dojo or through the office.


  • This term our topic is 'East Anglia, and the Stone Age.'
  • If you would be interested in offering assistance with other aspects of the curriculum, please contact the school office for further information.

How to help your child in Year 3:

  • Support your child with daily reading and encourage them by ticking that you have heard/seen them read in their home school book. Don’t forget to add a comment yourself.
  • Home School books to come into school every day, please.
  • Spellings are posted on our Class Story on Class Dojo and can be practised using the Spelling Shed website without the app.
  • It is also very helpful if you can practice the x3, x4, and x8 times tables using their Times table Rockstars account.
English: Mr Penguin and the Lost Treasure
The focus for the first half of the term will be our class story ‘Mr Penguin and the Lost Treasure ‘by Alex T Smith.
Indiana Jones meets Hercule Poirot in this new Alex T. Smith series with plenty of slapstick humour, mystery and adventure. Highly illustrated throughout with a striking black and orange design.

Mr Penguin is twiddling his flippers waiting for an adventure. That is until the phone rings!

Mr Penguin and Colin (a spider and Mr Penguin's silent right hand man) are called in to find the missing treasure somewhere in the Museum of Extraordinary Objects. The quest finds them solving secret codes, fighting ferocious beasts, eating fish finger sandwiches and travelling deep below the museum to a lost jungle...
Watch / listen to Mr Walker read the first 4 chapters below.  Some questions have been included for you to think about. 
We will develop settings, create our own characters and finally write our very own adventure. Watch Alex T Smith talk about being a book detective to help come up with stories. 
The First Drawing by Mordicai Gerstein
Imagine you were born before the invention of drawing, more than thirty thousand years ago.

You would live with your whole family in a cave and see woolly mammoths walk by!

You might even see images of animals hidden in the shapes of clouds and rocks.

You would want to share these pictures with your family, but wouldn't know how.

Who would have made the world's first drawing? Would it have been you?
Stig of the Dump by Clive King
Barney spends a lot of time by himself, and often goes wandering off alone. One day he is exploring by the edge of an old chalk-pit, when it gives way. Finding himself in some sort of cave, Barney is astonished to discover a 'somebody' living there: somebody with a lot of shaggy hair and two bright black eyes, wearing a rabbit skin and speaking in grunts.

Barney names him Stig, and the two quickly become best friends. Of course nobody believes Barney when he tells his family all about Stig. But Barney doesn't care. He and Stig are far too busy having a brilliant series of unforgettable adventures.


Reading is really important in Year 3. We have lots of different things to read. We have 100s of Beano comics and First News Newspapers. We also have 'Horrible Histories' and 'Horrible Science' magazines. There are also National Geographic Kids issues and 100s of exciting 'Phoenix' stories to jump into. Year 3 also has audio stories to listen to on our mp3 players.

Guided Reading: I am the seed that grew the tree collected by Fionna Waters

In Guided Reading this half term we will be looking at the poetry collection 'I am the seed that grew the tree.' poetry for kids, gift book, Christmas gift, poetry book, poems, poetry anthology, poetry collection
  • Published in collaboration with the National Trust, this anthology is a brilliant introduction to a wide range of nature poetry
  • Explore the wonderful world of animals, plants, trees, weather and much more with each carefully selected poem
  • Stunning original artwork lets you travel through the changing seasons and immerse yourself in the beauty and wonder of the natural world
Guided Reading: Stone Age Boy by Satoshi Kitamura
Travel 20,000 years into the past and discover what life as a caveman was like in this prehistoric picture book by a prodigiously talented artist.

One day a little boy is walking along when he trips, stumbles and falls ... into the Stone Age! He meets a girl his own age and her tribe, and learns all about their way of life. He watches them make tools, clothes and weapons. He sees how they hunt, fish, cook, celebrate – and even how they paint on the walls of caves. But when a furious cave bear attacks, he wakes up back in his own time where everyone tells him it was only a dream. But was it?

Guided Reading: Arthur and the Golden Rope by Joe Todd Stanton


Welcome to Professor Brownstone's vault - containing ancient relics from around the world, all collected by his famous ancestors!

Follow the epic journey of Brownstone's earliest ancestor, Arthur, and travel back to the age of the Vikings where this bookish young adventurer must find the courage to save his village and defeat the mighty beast Fenrir...


Following our Power Maths scheme, we will begin Unit 9 about Mass.  First, children will learn how to measure and read a scale, focusing on unmarked intervals. Next, different masses will be compared and ordered. Following this, children will learn to add and subtract different amounts using a range of strategies. Finally, they will apply their knowledge to real-life problems

Times tables:

Year 3 will be learning about the x3, x4, and x8 times.  Your child should have learned the x2, x5, and x10 times tables in Key Stage 1. To help your child become more fluent with their times-tables they have a password for the Times table Rockstars app.

Videos to help your child learn their x3, x4, and x8 times table can be watched below. Try them out.

Science Summer 1: Plants

In Science this term we will be learning about Plants. We will be identifying and describing the functions of different parts of flowering plants: roots, stem/trunk, leaves, and flowers. We will also explore what a plant needs to grow and thrive. Later we will investigate the way in which water is transported within plants.  Finally, we will explore the part that flowers play in the life cycle of flowering plants, including pollination, seed formation, and seed dispersal.
Find out more about plants by watching Dr Binocs below:
Science Summer 2: Animals including humans
During Summer 2 we will:
• identify that animals, including humans, need the right types and amount of nutrition, and that they cannot make their own food; they get nutrition from what they eat
• identify that humans and some other animals have skeletons and muscles for support, protection and movement.
Religious Education:
In RE this half term, our “big question” is What do Christians mean when they talk about the Kingdom of God? We will learn that, to Christians, the kingdom of God has less to do with geography than with hearts and minds. The kingdom of God is present wherever God’s kingly rule is recognised and lived by. Christians may be praying that God’s rule will be acknowledged throughout the world, in all places, and in all countries, but more significantly it is a prayer that God’s way for human life, God’s purposes for his creation, will prevail in the hearts and minds of all people and over all that he has made.
Watch Jesus' parable of the sheep and goats below.

Art: Sunflowers in the style of Vincent van Gogh

In art, we will be looking at Sunflowers created by Vincent van Gogh.  Watch the video of 'Camille and the Sunflowers' by Laurence Anholt.  One day a strange man arrives in Camille's town. He has a straw hat and a yellow beard. The man turns out to be the artist Vincent van Gogh. This is an introduction to the great painter, seen through the eyes of a young boy entranced by his painting.





We will then create sunflowers using different media:

1. Sketch and paint sunflowers

2. Create sunflowers using ipads and brushes app (relate to the artist David Hockney)

3. Use different media to create a sunflower. (Card / pottery)

4. Clay tile sunflower


Watch the video below to see how we will sketch and paint our sunflowers.

Design Technology: Game Controllers
During Summer 2 Year 3 will be creating their own game controllers using a MakeyMakey. Watch the video below to give you some ideas. Year 3 will:
1. Evaluating existing products (Game controllers)
2. Design criteria and making prototype for the Makey Makey
3. Test out prototype using the Makey Makey and Pac Man game
4 Design final game controller
5 IWriting nstructions and Making Game controller 6. Testing and Evaluating Game controller using the Makey Makey

Geography: East Anglia

In Geography, we will be investigating our local area of East Anglia. East Anglia is an area in the East of England,[1] often defined as including the counties of Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridgeshire.[2] The name derives from the Anglo-Saxon kingdom of the East Angles, a people whose name originated in Anglia, in what is now Northern Germany. The children will find out about:

  1. East Anglia – A region of the UK.
  2. The physical geography of East Anglia.
  3. The human geography of East Anglia – Farming in East Anglia.
  4. The physical geography of East Anglia – Coasts.
  5. East Anglia, Off-shore power generation.

History: The Stone Age
In History, we will be learning about the Stone Age. We will be answering the following questions:
  • What does Pre-history mean?
  • How did hunter gatherers survive in the Stone Age?
  • What kind of sources tell us about the Stone Age?
  • What was Skara Brae?
  • Why are there so many mysteries about Stonehenge?
  • How did bronze replace stone in the Bronze Age?
Computing - Branching databases
In computing, we will be using the Purple Mash app to investigate branching databases. A branching database is sometimes referred to as a ‘binary tree’ or a ‘key’. • Branching databases classify groups of objects. • If you have created your branching database correctly, someone else should be able to use it to identify an object that they have in front of them, e.g., to find out the name of an insect, a fruit, or a vegetable by using a series of simple questions and yes/no answers. We will use 2Question to: 

1. To sort objects using just ‘yes’ or ‘no’ questions.

2. To complete a branching database using 2Question.

3 / 4 To create a branching database of the pupil’s choice.

We will also continue to learn about how to stay safe online. We will find out how to be Netiquette experts. Netiquette is a set of rules that encourages politeness and respect on the internet. It's very useful and helps us to protect our privacy and that of our friends online. It also helps us to stop cyberbullying. Watch the video below on how to use netiquette.


Parents and carers play a key role in supporting children to learn about how to stay safe online.  


o   Have ongoing conversations with your children about staying safe online

o   Use safety tools on social networks and other online services,

o   Decide if you want to use parental controls on your home internet

o   Check out - http://www.saferinternet.org.uk/ for more advice



Our theme for this half-term is 'Healthy Lifestyles.'
Year 3 will be learning about the following: 

1. A balanced, healthy lifestyle.

2. Physical Activity.

3. Healthy Eating.

4. Dental Hygiene.

5. Making Healthy Choices.

6. Processing the learning


Watch the video below about developing healthy habits.

PE - Physical Unit 5 Physical Skills
In Real PE we will be looking at Reaction / Response to see if they can from a distance of 1, 2, and 3 metres react quickly and catch a tennis ball dropped from shoulder height after 1 bounce.